Hi All,

Looks like we have found a large memory leak,

Very difficult to share code on this but here are some details,

1.8.5 w/ Cuda 7.0 — no memory leak
1.8.5 w/ cuda 6.5 — no memory leak
1.8.6 w/ cuda 7.0 — large memory leak
1.8.5 w/ cuda 6.5 — no memory leak
mvapich2 2.1 GDR — no issue on either flavor of CUDA.

We have a relatively basic program that reproduces the error and have even 
narrowed it back to a single machine w/ multiple gpus and only two slaves. 
Looks like something in the IPC within a single node,

We don’t have many free cycles at the moment but less us know if we can help w/ 
something basic,

Heres our config flag for 1.8.5,

./configure FC=gfortran --without-mx --with-openib=/usr 
--with-openib-libdir=/usr/lib64/ --enable-openib-rdmacm --without-psm 

Kindest Regards,
Steven Eliuk, Ph.D. Comp Sci,
Project Lead,
Computing Science Innovation Center,
Samsung Electronics,
665 Clyde Avenue,
Mountain View, CA 94043,
Work: +1 650-623-2986,
Cell: +1 408-819-4407.

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