Hi Bill and Ralph,
well the Linux kernel does all its best to allocate memory on the local NUMA node if it's available, so it is difficult to convince it to do something harmful in this sense. I think that a way to test such a situation would be to start mpi processes on a node in an usual way -reasonably the processes will be bound to a socket or a core-, wait for the processes to allocate their working memory, then either migrate the processes on the other NUMA node (usually ==socket) or migrate its memory pages, the command-line tools distributed with the numactl package (numactl or migratepages) can probably allow to perform such a vandalism; this would put your system into a worst-case scenario from the NUMA point of view. In our system, I noticed in the past some strong slowdowns related to NUMA in parallel processes when a single MPI process doing much more I/O than the others tended to occupy all the local memory as disk cache, then the processes on that NUMA node were forced to allocate memory on the other NUMA node rather than reclaiming cache memory on the local node. I solved this in a brutal way by cleaning the disk cache regularly on the computing nodes. In my view this is the only case where (recent) Linux kernel does not have a NUMA-aware behavior, I wonder whether there are HPC-optimized patches or something has changed in this direction in recent kernel development.

        Best regards, Davide

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 13:36:55 -0700
From: Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org>
To: Open MPI Users <us...@open-mpi.org>
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] NUMA: Non-local memory access and
        performance     effects on OpenMPI
Hi Bill

You actually can get OMPI to split a process across sockets. Let?s say there 
are 4 cores/socket and 2 sockets/node. You could run two procs on the same 
node, one split across sockets, by:

mpirun -n 1 ?map-by core:pe=5 ./app : -n 1 ?map-by core:pe=3 ./app

The first proc will run on all cores of the 1st socket plus the 1st core of the 
2nd socket. The second proc will run on the remaining 3 cores of the 2nd socket.


On Jul 24, 2015, at 12:48 PM, Lane, William <william.l...@cshs.org> wrote:

I'm just curious, if we run an OpenMPI job and it makes use of non-local memory
(i.e. memory tied to another socket) what kind of effects are seen on 

How would you go about testing the above? I can't think of any command line 
parameter that
would allow one to split an OpenMPI process across sockets.

I'd imagine it would be pretty bad since you can't cache non-local memory 
the fact both the request and data have to flow through an IOH, the local CPU 
have to compete w/the non-local CPU for access to its own memory and that doing 
would have to implemented w/some sort of software semaphore locks (which would 
even more overhead).

Bill L.
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============================= Davide Cesari ============================
Dott**(0.5) Davide Cesari
ARPA-Emilia Romagna, Servizio IdroMeteoClima
NWP modelling - Modellistica numerica previsionale
Tel. +39 051525926

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