I think Dave's point is that numactl-devel (and numactl) is only needed for 
*building* Open MPI.  Users only need numactl to *run* Open MPI.

Specifically, numactl-devel contains the .h files we need to compile OMPI 
against libnumactl:

$ rpm -ql numactl-devel

Note that the .so is a sym link to .so.1, in the main numactl package:

$ rpm -ql numactl

> On Aug 11, 2015, at 12:42 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
> Because only the devel package includes the necessary pieces to set memory 
> affinity.
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Dave Love <d.l...@liverpool.ac.uk> wrote:
> Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> writes:
> > Hi Bill
> >
> > You need numactl-devel on the nodes. Not having them means we cannot ensure
> > memory is bound local to the procs, which will hurt performance but not
> > much else. There is an MCA param to turn off the warnings if you choose not
> > to install the libs: hwloc_base_mem_bind_failure_action=silent
> Why should you need the -devel package on the compute nodes?  (It only
> contains the .h and .so files.)  The RHEL and Fedora packages don't
> require it and work.
> [For an up-to-date OMPI, you can rebuild the package against the current
> tarball, at least after the chaos caused by RHEL 6.6 updating
> incompatibly to 1.8.  Otherwise use the Fedora packaging, which is kept
> quite current.]
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Jeff Squyres
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