
basically that means "do not build with openmpi and run with intelmpi, or
the other way around" and/or "do not build a part of your app with openmpi
and an other part with intelmpi"
"part" can be your app or the use of third party libraries.
if you use intel scalapack, make you use the lib built for openmpi

that can happen by inadvertence if environment ($PATH) is messed up.
a convenient way to keep its environment clean is to use modules

if module files are correctly written, there should be virtually no way to
mix intelmpi and openmpi, or use openmpi with a lib built with intelmpi.



On Thursday, September 3, 2015, Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com>

> Dear Jeff, Dear all,
> I normaly use "USE MPI"
> This is the answar fro intel HPC forum:
> *If you are switching between intel and openmpi you must remember not to
> mix environment.  You might use modules to manage this.  As the data types
> encodings differ, you must take care that all objects are built against the
> same headers.*
> Could someone explain me what are these modules and how I can use them?
> Thanks
> Diego
> Diego
> On 2 September 2015 at 19:07, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','jsquy...@cisco.com');>> wrote:
>> Can you reproduce the error in a small example?
>> Also, try using "use mpi" instead of "include 'mpif.h'", and see if that
>> turns up any errors.
>> > On Sep 2, 2015, at 12:13 PM, Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','diego.aves...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Dear Gilles, Dear all,
>> > I have found the error. Some CPU has no element to share. It was a my
>> error.
>> >
>> > Now I have another one:
>> >
>> > Fatal error in MPI_Isend: Invalid communicator, error stack:
>> > MPI_Isend(158): MPI_Isend(buf=0x137b7b4, count=1, INVALID DATATYPE,
>> dest=0, tag=0, comm=0x0, request=0x7fffe8726fc0) failed
>> >
>> > In this case with MPI does not work, with openMPI it works.
>> >
>> > Could you see some particular information from the error message?
>> >
>> > Diego
>> >
>> >
>> > Diego
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2 September 2015 at 14:52, Gilles Gouaillardet <
>> gilles.gouaillar...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','gilles.gouaillar...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> > Diego,
>> >
>> > about MPI_Allreduce, you should use MPI_IN_PLACE if you want the same
>> buffer in send and recv
>> >
>> > about the stack, I notice comm is NULL which is a bit surprising...
>> > at first glance, type creation looks good.
>> > that being said, you do not check MPIdata%iErr is MPI_SUCCESS after
>> each MPI call.
>> > I recommend you first do this, so you can catch the error as soon it
>> happens, and hopefully understand why it occurs.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Gilles
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wednesday, September 2, 2015, Diego Avesani <diego.aves...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','diego.aves...@gmail.com');>> wrote:
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > I have notice small difference between OPEN-MPI and intel MPI.
>> > For example in MPI_ALLREDUCE in intel MPI is not allowed to use the
>> same variable in send and receiving Buff.
>> >
>> > I have written my code in OPEN-MPI, but unfortunately I have to run in
>> on a intel-MPI cluster.
>> > Now I have the following error:
>> >
>> > atal error in MPI_Isend: Invalid communicator, error stack:
>> > MPI_Isend(158): MPI_Isend(buf=0x1dd27b0, count=1, INVALID DATATYPE,
>> dest=0, tag=0, comm=0x0, request=0x7fff9d7dd9f0) failed
>> >
>> >
>> > This is ho I create my type:
>> >
>> >   CALL  MPI_TYPE_VECTOR(1, Ncoeff_MLS, Ncoeff_MLS,
>> MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, coltype, MPIdata%iErr)
>> >   CALL  MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(coltype, MPIdata%iErr)
>> >   !
>> >   CALL  MPI_TYPE_VECTOR(1, nVar, nVar, coltype, MPI_WENO_TYPE,
>> MPIdata%iErr)
>> >
>> >
>> > do you believe that is here the problem?
>> > Is also this the way how intel MPI create a datatype?
>> >
>> > maybe I could also ask to intel MPI users
>> > What do you think?
>> >
>> > Diego
>> >
>> >
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>> > Link to this post:
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>> --
>> Jeff Squyres
>> jsquy...@cisco.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','jsquy...@cisco.com');>
>> For corporate legal information go to:
>> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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