Received from Ralph Castain on Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 06:54:41PM EDT:


> > On a closer look, it seems that the "17" corresponds to the number of times 
> > the
> > error was emitted after its occurrence regardless of how many actual MPI 
> > processes
> > were running (each of the MPI processes spawned by my program iterates a 
> > certain
> > number of times and causes the error to occur during each iteration).
> That is correct - if you tell us the error, we’d be happy to help
> diagnose. Otherwise, your analysis is correct.

I'm already in communication with Rolf vandeVaart regarding the error
[1]. Unfortunately, neither of us has made much headway finding the source of
the problem as of the present time.

Lev Givon
Bionet Group | Neurokernel Project

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