Ah, sorry - wrong param. It’s the out-of-band that is having the problem. Try 
adding —mca oob_tcp_if_include <foo>

> On Sep 24, 2015, at 8:56 AM, Matt Thompson <fort...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ralph,
> I believe these nodes might have both an Ethernet and Infiniband port where 
> the Ethernet port is not the one to use. Is there a way to tell Open MPI to 
> ignore any ethernet devices it sees? I've tried:
> --mca btl sm,openib,self
> and (based on the advice of the much more intelligent support at NAS):
> --mca btl openib,self --mca btl_openib_if_include mlx4_0,mlx4_1
> But neither worked.
> Matt
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org 
> <mailto:r...@open-mpi.org>> wrote:
> Starting in the 1.7 series, OMPI by default launches daemons on all nodes in 
> the allocation during startup. This is done so we can “probe” the topology of 
> the nodes and use that info during the process mapping procedure - e.g., if 
> you want to map-by NUMA regions.
> What is happening here is that some of the nodes in your allocation aren’t 
> allowing those daemons to callback to mpirun. Either a firewall is in the 
> way, or something is preventing it.
> If you don’t want to launch on those other nodes, you could just add —novm to 
> your cmd line, or use the —host option to restrict us to your local node. 
> However, I imagine you got the bigger allocation so you could use it :-)
> In which case, you need to remove the obstacle. You might check for firewall, 
> or check to see if multiple NICs are on the non-maia nodes (this can 
> sometimes confuse things, especially if someone put the NICs on the same IP 
> subnet)
> Ralph
>> On Sep 24, 2015, at 8:18 AM, Matt Thompson <fort...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:fort...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Open MPI Users,
>> I'm hoping someone here can help. I built Open MPI 1.10.0 with PGI 15.7 
>> using this configure string:
>>  ./configure --disable-vt --with-tm=/PBS --with-verbs 
>> --disable-wrapper-rpath \
>>     CC=pgcc CXX=pgCC FC=pgf90 F77=pgf77 CFLAGS='-fpic -m64' \
>>     CXXFLAGS='-fpic -m64' FCFLAGS='-fpic -m64' FFLAGS='-fpic -m64' \
>>     --prefix=/nobackup/gmao_SIteam/MPI/pgi_15.7-openmpi_1.10.0 |& tee 
>> configure.pgi15.7.log
>> It seemed to pass 'make check'. 
>> I'm working at pleiades at NAS, and there they have both Sandy Bridge nodes 
>> with GPUs (maia) and regular Sandy Bridge compute nodes (here after called 
>> Sandy) without. To be extra careful (since PGI compiles to the architecture 
>> you build on) I took a Westmere node and built Open MPI there just in case.
>> So, as I said, all seems to work with a test. I now grab a maia node, maia1, 
>> of an allocation of 4 I had:
>> (102) $ mpicc -tp=px-64 -o helloWorld.x helloWorld.c
>> (103) $ mpirun -np 2 ./helloWorld.x
>> Process 0 of 2 is on maia1 
>> Process 1 of 2 is on maia1 
>> Good. Now, let's go to a Sandy Bridge (non-GPU) node, r321i7n16, of an 
>> allocation of 8 I had:
>> (49) $ mpicc -tp=px-64 -o helloWorld.x helloWorld.c
>> (50) $ mpirun -np 2 ./helloWorld.x
>> [r323i5n11:13063] [[62995,0],7] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n6:57417] [[62995,0],2] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n7:67287] [[62995,0],3] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n8:57429] [[62995,0],4] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n10:35329] [[62995,0],6] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n9:13456] [[62995,0],5] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> Hmm. Let's try turning off tcp (often my first thought when on an Infiniband 
>> system):
>> (51) $ mpirun --mca btl sm,openib,self -np 2 ./helloWorld.x
>> [r323i5n6:57420] [[62996,0],2] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n9:13459] [[62996,0],5] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n8:57432] [[62996,0],4] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n7:67290] [[62996,0],3] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n11:13066] [[62996,0],7] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> [r323i5n10:35332] [[62996,0],6] tcp_peer_send_blocking: send() to socket 9 
>> failed: Broken pipe (32)
>> Now, the nodes reporting the issue seem to be the "other" nodes on the 
>> allocation that are in a different rack:
>> (52) $ cat $PBS_NODEFILE | uniq
>> r321i7n16
>> r321i7n17
>> r323i5n6
>> r323i5n7
>> r323i5n8
>> r323i5n9
>> r323i5n10
>> r323i5n11
>> Maybe that's a clue? I didn't think this would matter if I only ran two 
>> processes...and it works on the multi-node maia allocation.
>> I've tried searching the web, but the only place I've seen 
>> tcp_peer_send_blocking is in a PDF where they say it's an error that can be 
>> seen:
>> http://www.hpc.mcgill.ca/downloads/checkpointing_workshop/20150326%20-%20McGill%20-%20Checkpointing%20Techniques.pdf
>> <http://www.hpc.mcgill.ca/downloads/checkpointing_workshop/20150326%20-%20McGill%20-%20Checkpointing%20Techniques.pdf>
>> Any ideas for what this error can mean?
>> -- 
>> Matt Thompson
>> Man Among Men
>> Fulcrum of History
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> -- 
> Matt Thompson
> Man Among Men
> Fulcrum of History
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