I searched through the and didn't find
any recent documentation on the master/v2.x series Cray support. Can you
give me some pointers?
I am trying to get MPI_Comm_spawn() support on a Cray XC40 via using
Open MPI's master branch.

On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Howard Pritchard <> wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> I will endeavor to put together a wiki for the master/v2.x series specific
> to Cray systems
> (sans those customers who choose to neither 1) use Cray supported eslogin
> setup nor 2)  permit users to directly log in to and build apps on service
> nodes)  that explains best practices for
> using Open MPI on Cray XE/XK/XC systems.
> A significant  amount of work went in to master, and now the v2.x release
> stream to rationalize support for Open MPI on Cray XE/XK/XC systems using
> either aprun
> or native slurm launch.
> General advice for all on this mailing list, do not use the Open MPI 1.8.X
> release
> series with direct ugni access enabled on Cray XE/XK/XC .  Rather use
> master, or as soon as
> a release is available, from v2.x.   Note that if you are using CCM,  the
> performance
> of Open MPI 1.8.X over the Cray IAA (simulated ibverbs) is pretty good.  I
> suggest this
> as the preferred route for using the 1.8.X release stream on Cray XE/XK/XC.
> Howard
> 2015-06-25 19:35 GMT-06:00 Nick Radcliffe <>:
>> Thanks Howard, using master worked for me.
>> Nick Radcliffe
>> Software Engineer
>> Cray, Inc.
>> ________________________________
>> From: users [] on behalf of Howard Pritchard
>> []
>> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:11 PM
>> To: Open MPI Users
>> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Running with native ugni on a Cray XC
>> Hi Nick
>> use master not 1.8.x. for cray xc.  also for config do not pay attention
>> to cray/lanl platform files.  just do config.  also if using nativized slurm
>> launch with srun not mpirun.
>> howard
>> ----------
>> sent from my smart phonr so no good type.
>> Howard
>> On Jun 25, 2015 2:56 PM, "Nick Radcliffe" <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to build and run Open MPI 1.8.5 with native ugni on a Cray XC.
>>> The build works, but I'm getting this error when I run:
>>> nradclif@kay:/lus/scratch/nradclif> aprun -n 2 -N 1 ./osu_latency
>>> [nid00014:28784] [db_pmi.c:174:pmi_commit_packed] PMI_KVS_Put: Operation
>>> failed
>>> [nid00014:28784] [db_pmi.c:457:commit] PMI_KVS_Commit: Operation failed
>>> [nid00012:12788] [db_pmi.c:174:pmi_commit_packed] PMI_KVS_Put: Operation
>>> failed
>>> [nid00012:12788] [db_pmi.c:457:commit] PMI_KVS_Commit: Operation failed
>>> # OSU MPI Latency Test
>>> # Size            Latency (us)
>>> osu_latency: btl_ugni_endpoint.c:87: mca_btl_ugni_ep_connect_start:
>>> Assertion `0' failed.
>>> [nid00012:12788] *** Process received signal ***
>>> [nid00012:12788] Signal: Aborted (6)
>>> [nid00012:12788] Signal code:  (-6)
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 0] /lib64/[0x2aaaab42b850]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 1] /lib64/[0x2aaaab66b885]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 2] /lib64/[0x2aaaab66ce61]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 3]
>>> /lib64/[0x2aaaab664740]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 4]
>>> /lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install/lib/[0x2aaaaaff9869]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 5]
>>> /lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install/lib/[0x2aaaaaf46e32]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 6]
>>> /lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install/lib/[0x2aaaaaffaf7d]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 7]
>>> /lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install/lib/[0x2aaaab0dcc17]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 8]
>>> /lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install/lib/[0x2aaaab0dd488]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [ 9]
>>> /lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install/lib/[0x2aaaab07e84b]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [10]
>>> /lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install/lib/[0x2aaaaaf8a7c6]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [11] ./osu_latency[0x401114]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [12]
>>> /lib64/[0x2aaaab657c36]
>>> [nid00012:12788] [13] ./osu_latency[0x400dd9]
>>> [nid00012:12788] *** End of error message ***
>>> osu_latency: btl_ugni_endpoint.c:87: mca_btl_ugni_ep_connect_start:
>>> Assertion `0' failed.
>>> Here's how I build:
>>> export FC=ftn         (I'm not using Fortran, but the configure fails if
>>> it can't find a Fortran compiler)
>>> ./configure --prefix=/lus/scratch/nradclif/openmpi_install
>>> --enable-mpi-fortran=none
>>> --with-platform=contrib/platform/lanl/cray_xe6/debug-lustre
>>> make install
>>> I didn't modify the debug-lustre file, but I did change cray-common to
>>> remove the hard-coding, e.g., rather than using the gemini-specific path
>>> "with_pmi=/opt/cray/pmi/2.1.4-1.0000.8596.8.9.gem", I used
>>> "with_pmi=/opt/cray/pmi/default".
>>> I've tried running different executables with different numbers of
>>> ranks/nodes, but they all seem to run into problems with PMI_KVS_Put.
>>> Any ideas what could be going wrong?
>>> Thanks for any help,
>>> Nick
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