Hello Ibrahim

As a sanity check, could you try to compile the Hello.java in examples?

mpijavac --verbose Hello.java

you should see something like:

/usr/bin/javac -cp

You may also want to double check what your java env. variables, e.g.

are set to.



sent from my smart phonr so no good type.

On Nov 18, 2015 7:26 AM, "Ibrahim Ikhlawi" <ibrahim_...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to compile java classes with mpijavac, but it doesn't compile
> any class, for examle:
> Usually when I write the following line (mpijavac MyClass.java) in the
> console, it compiles and gives me the possible errors (e.g. missed
> semicolon) and the .class file will be created.
> But now when I compile any class with the same command (mpijavac
> AnyClass.java), it doesn't give me any error and the file AnyClass.class
> will be not created.
> What could be the problem?
> Thanks in advance
> Ibrahim
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