Received from Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) on Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 10:03:33AM EST:
> Thanks to the over 100 people who came to the Open MPI State of the Union BOF
> yesterday.  George Bosilca from U. Tennessee, Nathan Hjelm from Los Alamos
> National Lab, and I presented where we are with Open MPI development, and
> where we're going.
> If you weren't able to join us, feel free to read through the slides:
> Thank you!

FYI, there seems to be some problem with the posted PDF file - when I tried to
view it in Firefox 42 and 3 other PDF viewers (on Linux, at least), all of the
programs claimed that the file is either corrupted or misformatted.
Lev Givon
Bionet Group | Neurokernel Project

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