Hi Jeff

How did you configure for Cori?  You need to be using the slurm plm component 
for that system.  I know this sounds like gibberish.  

There should be a with-slurm configure option to pick up this component. 

Doesn't mpich have the option to use sysv memory?  You may want to try that

Oh for tuning params you can use env variables.  For example lets say rather 
than using the gni provider in ofi mtl you want to try sockets. Then do

Export OMPI_MCA_mtl_ofi_provider_include=sockets

In the spirit OMPI - may the force be with you.   


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 19.11.2015 um 11:51 schrieb Martin Siegert <sieg...@sfu.ca>:
> Hi Jeff,
> On Thu 19.11.2015 09:44:20 Jeff Hammond wrote:
> > I have no idea what this is trying to tell me. Help?
> >
> > jhammond@nid00024:~/MPI/qoit/collectives> mpirun -n 2 ./driver.x 64
> > [nid00024:00482] [[46168,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file
> > ../../../../../orte/mca/plm/alps/plm_alps_module.c at line 418
> >
> > I can run the same job with srun without incident:
> >
> > jhammond@nid00024:~/MPI/qoit/collectives> srun -n 2 ./driver.x 64
> > MPI was initialized.
> >
> > This is on the NERSC Cori Cray XC40 system. I build Open-MPI git head from
> > source for OFI libfabric.
> >
> > I have many other issues, which I will report later. As a spoiler, if I
> > cannot use your mpirun, I cannot set any of the MCA options there. Is
> > there a method to set MCA options with environment variables? I could not
> > find this documented anywhere.
> >
> > In particular, is there a way to cause shm to not use the global
> > filesystem? I see this issue comes up a lot and I read the list archives,
> > but the warning message (
> > https://github.com/hpc/cce-mpi-openmpi-1.6.4/blob/master/ompi/mca/common/sm/
> > help-mpi-common-sm.txt) suggested that I could override it by setting TMP,
> > TEMP or TEMPDIR, which I did to no avail.
> From my experience on edison: the one environment variable that does works is 
> TMPDIR - the one that is not listed in the error message :-)
> Can't help you with your mpirun problem though ...
> Cheers,
> Martin
> --
> Martin Siegert
> Head, Research Computing
> WestGrid/ComputeCanada Site Lead
> Simon Fraser University
> Burnaby, British Columbia
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