Hi all,
We have an application named "GAMESS" that worked fine with OpenMPI v1.8.4 but having problems with v1.8.8. The mpi command in the application is: orterun --oversubscribe -mca hwloc_base_binding_policy core:overload-allowed -np $NPROCS --npernode $PPN2 $GMSPATH/gamess.$VERNO.x < /dev/null The above command works for v1.8.4 but for v1.8.8, it give the following error: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting directives for mapping policy are causing the policy to be redefined: New policy: RANK_FILE Prior policy: BYCORE:OVERSUBSCRIBE Please check that only one policy is defined. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We used to have binding issues with v1.8.8 which led to poor application performances. To resolve it, we added the following parameters to the "openmpi-mca-params.conf" file: orte_hetero_nodes=1 hwloc_base_binding_policy=core rmaps_base_mapping_policy=core The above changes in v1.8.8 work great for other stuff but breaks GAMESS. Does anyone know how to resolve the conflict? Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks, Dr. Jingchao Zhang Holland Computing Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln 402-472-6400