
Is it possible to use a single build of Open MPI against multiple versions of GCC if the versions of GCC are from the same release series? I was under the assumption that as long as a binary-compatible compiler was used, it was possible to "swap out" the compiler from underneath Open MPI.

That is the general question I have, but here is the specific scenario that prompted it:

 * built Open MPI 1.10.1 against GCC 5.2.0 with a directory name of
 * installed GCC 5.3.0
 * removed GCC 5.2.0

I now have users who are getting errors like the following when using mpicxx:

/bin/grep: /usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss2/common/gcc/5.2.0/lib/../lib64/libstdc++.la: No such file or directory

I can see several references to my previous GCC 5.2.0 installation in the <install dir>/lib/*.la files, including a reference to /usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss2/common/gcc/5.2.0/lib/../lib64/libstdc++.la.

This is all disconcerting as users of GCC 5.3.0 were using 5.3.0's binaries but were getting some 5.2.0 library configs before I removed 5.2.0, but no one knew it.

If it should be possible to use a single build of Open MPI with multiple binary-compatible compilers, is there a way to fix my above situation or prevent it from happening at build time?


David Shrader
HPC-3 High Performance Computer Systems
Los Alamos National Lab
Email: dshrader <at> lanl.gov

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