Hello Gilles and Nathan

Thank you very much for the answer.

The reason I asked this question is that I wanted to see the debug output
from OPAL_MODEX_RECV()/OPAL_MODEX_SEND(). As I reported in an earlier mail,
in my case, the modex data from OPAL_MODEX_RECV() is getting corrupted and
I wanted to see how the other BTLs are doing it.

However, setting the <framework>_base_verbose to 100 does not seem to
include any debug message coming from modex exchange, either for tcp or for
openib: please see the output below:

[durga@bigMPI ~]$ mpirun --verbose -np 2 -hostfile ~/hostfile -mca
btl_base_verbose 100 -mca pml_base_verbose 100 -mca bml_base_verbose 100
-mca btl self,tcp -mca btl_tcp_if_include enp35s0 -mca opal_base_verbose
100 ./hello_c 2>&1 | grep -i modex
[bigMPI:12791] check:select: modex data not found

[durga@bigMPI ~]$ mpirun --verbose -np 2 -hostfile ~/hostfile -mca
btl_base_verbose 100 -mca pml_base_verbose 100 -mca bml_base_verbose 100
-mca btl self,openib -mca btl_openib_if_include qib0 -mca opal_base_verbose
100 ./hello_c 2>&1 | grep -i modex
my modex = LID: 2, Port: 1, QPN: 19
my modex = LID: 1, Port: 1, QPN: 19
[bigMPI:13479] check:select: modex data not found

Please note that the two lines coming from udcm_module_init are not part of

Why am I not able to see the debug output from the above two macros?

Thanks in advance

We learn from history that we never learn from history.

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Nathan Hjelm <hje...@me.com> wrote:

> You use the *_base_verbose MCA variables. For example, if you want to see
> output from the btl use -mca btl_base_verbose x. The number x controls the
> verbosity level. Starting with 2.x are named levels but now many components
> conform to the names yet. In general components use use numbers between 0
> and 100 (inclusive) with 100 being very verbose.
> -Nathan
> > On May 22, 2016, at 12:36 AM, dpchoudh . <dpcho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all
> >
> > I have built and installed OMPI with --enable-debug set. What runtime
> parameter do I need to see the output from OPAL_DEBUG_OUTPUT?
> >
> > Thank you
> > Durga
> >
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