Hello Claudio,

mpirun should be combining your java.library.path option with the one
needed to add
the Open MPI's java bindings as well.

Which version of Open MPI are you using?

Could you first try to compile the Ring.java code in ompi/examples and run
it with the
following additional mpirun parameter?

mpirun -np 1 --mca odls_base_verbose 100 java Ring

then try your application with the same "odls_base_verbose" mpirun option

and post the output from the two runs to the mail list?

I suspect there may be a bug with building the combined java.library.path
in the Open MPI code.


2016-05-23 9:47 GMT-06:00 Claudio Stamile <claudiostam...@gmail.com>:

> Dear all,
> I'm using openmpi for Java.
> I've a problem when I try to use more option parameters in my java
> command. More in detail I run mpirun as follow:
> mpirun -n 5 java -cp path1:path2 -Djava.library.path=pathLibs
> classification.MyClass
> It seems that the option "-Djava.library.path" is ignored when i execute
> the command.
> Is it normal ?
> Do you know how to solve this problem ?
> Thank you.
> Best,
> Claudio
> --
> C.
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