Hi Siegmar,

Sorry for the delay, I seem to have missed this one.

It looks like there's an error in the way the native methods are processing
java exceptions.  The code correctly builds up an exception message for
cases where MPI 'c' returns non-success but, not if the problem occured
in one of the JNI utilities.

Issue filed:

Thanks for reporting this.


2016-05-20 9:25 GMT-06:00 Siegmar Gross <

> Hi,
> I tried MPI.ERRORS_RETURN in a small Java program with Open MPI
> 1.10.2 and master. I get the expected behaviour, if I use a
> wrong value for the root process in "bcast". Unfortunately I
> get an MPI or Java error message if I try to broadcast more data
> than available. Is this intended or is it a problem in the Java
> interface of Open MPI? I would be grateful if somebody can answer
> my question.
> loki java 194 mpijavac Exception_1_Main.java
> loki java 195 mpijavac Exception_2_Main.java
> loki java 196 mpiexec -np 1 java Exception_1_Main
> Set error handler for MPI.COMM_WORLD to MPI.ERRORS_RETURN.
> Call "bcast" with wrong "root" process.
> Caught an exception.
> MPI_ERR_ROOT: invalid root
> loki java 197 mpiexec -np 1 java Exception_2_Main
> Set error handler for MPI.COMM_WORLD to MPI.ERRORS_RETURN.
> Call "bcast" with index out-of bounds.
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
>         at mpi.Comm.bcast(Native Method)
>         at mpi.Comm.bcast(Comm.java:1231)
>         at Exception_2_Main.main(Exception_2_Main.java:44)
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
> a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status,
> thus causing
> the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
>   Process name: [[38300,1],0]
>   Exit code:    1
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> loki java 198
> Kind regards and thank you very much for any help in advance
> Siegmar
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