On 2016-06-14, 3:42 AM, "users on behalf of Peter Kjellström"
<users-boun...@open-mpi.org on behalf of c...@nsc.liu.se> wrote:

>On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 19:04:59 -0400
>Mehmet Belgin <mehmet.bel...@oit.gatech.edu> wrote:
>> Greetings!
>> We have not upgraded our OFED stack for a very long time, and still
>> running on an ancient version (, yeah we know). We are now
>> considering a big jump from this version to a tested and stable
>> recent version and would really appreciate any suggestions from the
>> community.
>Some thoughts on the subject.
>* Not installing an external ibstack is quite attractive imo.
>  RHEL/CentOS stack (not based on any direct OFED version) works fine
>  for us. It simplifies cluster maintenance (kernel updates etc.).

I am curious on how Redhat stack is ³not based on any direct OFED
Doesn¹t Redhat just ship an old OFED build, or they do their own changes
to it like to the kernel?

Grigory Shamov

Westgrid/ComputeCanada Site Lead
University of Manitoba
E2-588 EITC Building,
(204) 474-9625

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