Hi OMPI_Users && OMPI_Developers,

Is there an equivalent to the MCA parameter btl_openib_include_if when using 
MXM over Infiniband (e.g. either (pml=cm  mtl=mxm) or (pml=yalla)) ?

I ask this question because I'm working on a cluster where LXC containers are 
used on compute nodes (with SR-IOV I think) and multiple mlx4 interfaces are 
reported by lstopo (e.g. mlx4_0, mlx4_1, ..., mlx4_16) even if a single 
physical Mellanox Connect-X3 HCA is present per node.

I found that when I use the plain openib btl (e.g. (pml=ob1  btl=openib)), it 
is much faster if I specify the MCA parameter btl_openib_include_if=mlx4_0 to 
force Open MPI to use a single interface. By doing that the latency is lower 
while the bandwidth higher. I guess it is because otherwise Open MPI mess by 
trying to use all "virtual" interfaces at once.

However we all know that MXM is better than plain openib since it allows the 
HCAs to perform message matching, transfer message in the background and 
provide communication progress.

So in this case is there a way to use only mlx4_0 ?

I mean when using mxm mtl (pml=cm  mtl=mxm) or preferably using it more 
directly by yalla pml (pml=yalla).

Note I'm using Open MPI 1.10.3 I compiled myself for now but I could use 
instead Open MPI 2.0 if necessary .


Martin Audet

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