When I run an MPI command through the terminal the programs runs fine on
the compute node specified in hosts.txt.

However, when I put that command in a PBS script, if says that the compute
node is not defined in the job manager's list. However, that node is
actually defined in the job manager.

Please see the output below

mahmood@cluster:tran-bt-o-40$ cat submit.tor
#PBS -q default
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=15
#PBS -N job-1
#PBS -o /home/mahmood/tran-bt-o-40/cc-bt-cc-163-20.out
/share/apps/computer/openmpi-2.0.0/bin/mpirun -hostfile hosts.txt -np 15
/share/apps/chemistry/siesta-4.0/tpar/transiesta < trans-cc-bt-cc-163-20.fdf
mahmood@cluster:tran-bt-o-40$ cat cc-bt-cc-163-20.out
A hostfile was provided that contains at least one node not
present in the allocation:

  hostfile:  hosts.txt
  node:      compute-0-1

If you are operating in a resource-managed environment, then only
nodes that are in the allocation can be used in the hostfile. You
may find relative node syntax to be a useful alternative to
specifying absolute node names see the orte_hosts man page for
further information.
mahmood@cluster:tran-bt-o-40$ cat hosts.txt
mahmood@cluster:tran-bt-o-40$ pbsnodes -l all
compute-0-0          down
compute-0-1          free
compute-0-2          free
compute-0-3          free

As you can see, compute-0-1 has free cores and it is defined for the

Any idea?
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