> On Oct 31, 2016, at 10:39 AM, Jason Maldonis <maldo...@wisc.edu> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am using mpi4py with OpenMPI for a simulation that uses dynamic resource 
> allocation via `mpi_spawn_multiple`.  I've been working on this problem for 
> about 6 months now and I have some questions and potential bugs I'd like to 
> submit.
> Is this mailing list a good spot to submit bugs for OpenMPI? Or do I use 
> github?

You can use either - I would encourage the use of github “issues” when you have 
a specific bug, and the mailing list for general questions

> Are previous versions (like 1.10.2) still being developed for bugfixes, or do 
> I need to reproduce bugs for 2.x only?

The 1.10 series is still being supported - it has proven fairly stable and so 
the release rate has slowed down considerably in the last year. Primary 
development focus in on 2.x

> I may also submit bugs to mpi4py, but I don't yet know exactly where the bugs 
> are originating from.  Do any of you know if github is the correct place to 
> submit bugs for mpi4py?

I honestly don’t know, but I do believe mpi4py is on github as well

> I have also learned some cool things that are not well documented on the web, 
> and I'd like to provide nice examples or something similar. Can I contribute 
> examples to either mpi4py or OpenMPI?

Please do!

> As a side note, OpenMPI 1.10.2 seems to be much more stable than 2.x for the 
> dynamic resource allocation code I am writing.

Yes, there has been an outstanding bug on the 2.x series for dynamic 
operations. We just finally found the missing code change and it is being 
ported at this time.

> Thanks in advance,
> Jason Maldonis
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