
While trying to debug a severe performance regression of CP2K runs with Open 
MPI 1.10.4 on our new cluster, after reproducing the problem with single-node 
jobs too, we found out that the root cause is that the presence of Intel 
Omni-Path hardware triggers the use of the cm PML and consequently the use of 
psm2 MTL for shared-memory communication instead of the sm BTL. As subsequent 
tests with NetPIPE on a single socket showed (see the attached graph), the 
ping-pong latency of PSM2's shared-memory implementation is always 
significantly higher (20-60%) except for a relatively narrow range of message 
lengths 10-100 KiB, for which it is faster. Tests with processes on two 
sockets show that sm outperforms psm2 with smaller message sizes and psm2 
outperforms sm for larger message sizes, at least for messages of less than 32 
MiB. The real problem is though that the ScaLAPACK routines used by CP2K 
further exaggerate the difference, which results in orders of magnitude slower 
execution. We've tested it with both MKL and ScaLAPACK (and even BLAS) from 
Netlib in order to exclude possible performance regressions in MKL when used 
with Open MPI, which is our default configuration.

While disabling the psm2 MTL or enforcing the ob1 PML is a viable workaround 
for single-node jobs, it is not really a solution to our problem in general as 
utilising Omni-Path via its InfiniBand interface results in high latency and 
poor network bandwidth. As expected, disabling the "shm" device of PSM2 
crashes the program.

My question is actually whether it is currently possible for several PMLs to 
coexist and to be used at the same time? Ideally, ob1 driving the sm BTL for 
intranode communication and cm driving the psm2 MTL for internode 
communication. From my limited understanding of the Open MPI source code, that 
doesn't really seem possible. While the psm2 MTL appears to be a relatively 
thin wrapper around the PSM2 API and therefore the problem might not really be 
in Open MPI but in the PSM2 library itself, it somehow does not affect Intel 
MPI. It seems to be a CP2K specific problem as a different software (Quantum 
ESPRESSO built with ScaLAPACK) runs fine, but then it could be the due to 
different ScaLAPACK routines being used.

The attached graphs show the ratio of the MPI ping-pong latency as measured by 
NetPIPE when run as follows:

mpiexec -n 2 --map-by core/socket --bind-to core NPmpi -a -I -l 1 -u 33554432

with and without --mca pml ob1. I also performed tests with Linux CMA support 
in PSM2 switched on and off (it is on by default), which doesn't change much. 
Our default Open MPI is built without CMA support.

Has anyone successfully run ScaLAPACK applications, and CP2K in particular, on 
systems with Intel Omni-Path? Perhaps I'm missing something here?

I'm sorry if this has already been discussed here. I went through the list 
archives, but couldn't find anything. If it was, I would be grateful if anyone 
could provide pointers to the relevant thread(s).

Kind regards,
Hristo Iliev, PhD
JARA-HPC CSG "Parallel Efficiency"

IT Center
Group: High Performance Computing
Division: Computational Science and Engineering
RWTH Aachen University
Seffenter Weg 23
52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel: +49 (241) 80-24367
Fax: +49 (241) 80-624367

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