
> On 28 Mar 2017, at 2:00 am, r...@open-mpi.org wrote:
> I’m confused - mpi_yield_when_idle=1 is precisely the “oversubscribed” 
> setting. So why would you expect different results?

Ahh — I didn’t realise it auto-detected this. I recall working on a system in 
the past where I needed to explicitly set this to get that behaviour, but that 
could have been due to some local site configuration.

> On 28 Mar 2017, at 2:51 am, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com> 
> wrote:
> 1. Recall that sched_yield() has effectively become a no-op in newer Linux 
> kernels.  Hence, Open MPI's "yield when idle" may not do much to actually 
> de-schedule a currently-running process.

In some kernel versions there’s a sysctl (/proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield) 
that makes it mimic the older behaviour by putting the yielding task at the end 
of the tree instead of the start. It was introduced in 1799e35 (2.6.23-rc7) and 
removed in ac53db5 (2.6.39-rc1), so if you have a kernel in this range (e.g. 
the stock CentOS or RHEL 6 kernel), it might be available to you.

As an aside, has anyone thought about changing the niceness of the thread 
before yielding (and then back when sched_yield returns)? I just tested that 
sequence and it seems to produce the desired behaviour.

On their own, and pinned to a single CPU, my test programs sat at 100% CPU 
utilisations with these timings:
        spin: 2.1ns per iteration
        yield: 450ns per iteration
        nice+yield: 2330ns per iteration

When I ran spin and yield at the same on the same CPU, both consumed 50% of the 
CPU, and produced times about double of above — as expected given the new 
sched_yield behaviour.

On the other hand, when I ran spin and nice+yield together, spin sat at 98.5% 
CPU utilisation, nice+yield at 1.5%, and the timing for spin was identical to 
when it was on its own. 

The only problem I can see is that the timing for nice+yield increased 
dramatically — to 187,600 ns per iteration! Is this too long for a yield?


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