You can probably safely ignore it.

> On Apr 26, 2017, at 2:29 PM, Prentice Bisbal <> wrote:
> I'm trying to build OpenMPI 2.1.0 with GCC 5.4.0 on CentOS 6.8. After working 
> around the '-Lyes/lib' errors I reported in my previous post, opal_path_nfs 
> fails during 'make check' (see below). Is this failure critical, or is it 
> something I can ignore and continue with my install? Googling only returned 
> links to discussions of similar problems from 4-5 years ago with earlier 
> versions of OpenMPI.
> STDOUT and STDERR from 'make check':
> make  check-TESTS
> make[3]: Entering directory `/local/pbisbal/openmpi-2.1.0/test/util'
> make[4]: Entering directory `/local/pbisbal/openmpi-2.1.0/test/util'
> PASS: opal_bit_ops
> FAIL: opal_path_nfs
> ============================================================================
> Testsuite summary for Open MPI 2.1.0
> ============================================================================
> # TOTAL: 2
> # PASS:  1
> # SKIP:  0
> # XFAIL: 0
> # FAIL:  1
> # XPASS: 0
> # ERROR: 0
> ============================================================================
> See test/util/test-suite.log
> Please report to
> ============================================================================
> Contents of test/util/test-suite.log:
> cat test/util/test-suite.log
> ==============================================
>   Open MPI 2.1.0: test/util/test-suite.log
> ==============================================
> # TOTAL: 2
> # PASS:  1
> # SKIP:  0
> # XFAIL: 0
> # FAIL:  1
> # XPASS: 0
> # ERROR: 0
> .. contents:: :depth: 2
> FAIL: opal_path_nfs
> ===================
> Test usage: ./opal_path_nfs [DIR]
> On Linux interprets output from mount(8) to check for nfs and verify 
> opal_path_nfs()
> Additionally, you may specify multiple DIR on the cmd-line, of which you the 
> output
> get_mounts: dirs[0]:/ fs:rootfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[1]:/proc fs:proc nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[2]:/sys fs:sysfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[3]:/dev fs:devtmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[4]:/dev/pts fs:devpts nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[5]:/dev/shm fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: already know dir[0]:/
> get_mounts: dirs[0]:/ fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[6]:/proc/bus/usb fs:usbfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[7]:/var/lib/stateless/writable fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[8]:/var/cache/man fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[9]:/var/lock fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[10]:/var/log fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[11]:/var/run fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[12]:/var/lib/dbus fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[13]:/var/lib/nfs fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[14]:/tmp fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[15]:/var/cache/foomatic fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[16]:/var/cache/hald fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[17]:/var/cache/logwatch fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[18]:/var/lib/dhclient fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[19]:/var/tmp fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[20]:/media fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[21]:/etc/adjtime fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[22]:/etc/ntp.conf fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[23]:/etc/resolv.conf fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[24]:/etc/lvm/archive fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[25]:/etc/lvm/backup fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[26]:/var/account fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[27]:/var/lib/iscsi fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[28]:/var/lib/logrotate.status fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[29]:/var/lib/ntp fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[30]:/var/spool fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[31]:/var/lib/sss fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[32]:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts fs:tmpfs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[33]:/var fs:ext4 nfs:No
> get_mounts: already know dir[14]:/tmp
> get_mounts: dirs[14]:/tmp fs:ext4 nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[34]:/local fs:ext4 nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[35]:/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc fs:binfmt_misc nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[36]:/local/cgroup/cpuset fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[37]:/local/cgroup/cpu fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[38]:/local/cgroup/cpuacct fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[39]:/local/cgroup/memory fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[40]:/local/cgroup/devices fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[41]:/local/cgroup/freezer fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[42]:/local/cgroup/net_cls fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[43]:/local/cgroup/blkio fs:cgroup nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[44]:/usr/pppl fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[45]:/misc fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[46]:/net fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[47]:/v fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[48]:/u fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[49]:/w fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[50]:/l fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[51]:/p fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[52]:/pfs fs:autofs nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[53]:/proc/fs/nfsd fs:nfsd nfs:No
> get_mounts: dirs[54]:/u/gtchilin fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[55]:/u/ldelgado fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[56]:/p/incoherent fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[57]:/u/bgriers fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[58]:/p/beam fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[59]:/u/ghao fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[60]:/u/slazerso fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[61]:/p/tsc fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[62]:/p/stellopt fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[63]:/u/bdavis fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[64]:/p/m3dc1 fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[65]:/u/oizacard fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[66]:/u/jlovell fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[67]:/p/pies fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[68]:/p/gpec fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[69]:/p/nstxusr fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[70]:/p/atom fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[71]:/u/rmk fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[72]:/p/omfit fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[73]:/u/mbakal fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[74]:/u/shudson fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[75]:/u/jlestz fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[76]:/p/datad2 fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[77]:/p/fdp fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[78]:/u/jpark fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[79]:/p/edge fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[80]:/u/rgueroul fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[81]:/pfs/nobackup fs:lustre nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[82]:/u/zwang fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[83]:/p/orbit fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[84]:/u/rwhite fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[85]:/u/jchen fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[86]:/u/mparsons fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[87]:/u/jschmitt fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[88]:/u/ikrebs fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[89]:/u/monticel fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[90]:/u/zfeng fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[91]:/p/space fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[92]:/p/transpusers fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[93]:/p/gyro fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[94]:/u/tkhattar fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[95]:/u/akhrabro fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[96]:/u/mweller fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[97]:/u/jmenard fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[98]:/u/wgutten fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[99]:/u/abrooks fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[100]:/p/eaddata fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[101]:/u/drsmith fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[102]:/u/wwang fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[103]:/u/jkatesha fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[104]:/u/ftp fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[105]:/p/beast fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[106]:/p/xshare fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[107]:/u/sseol fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[108]:/u/cswanson fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[109]:/u/phenders fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[110]:/p/fida fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[111]:/p/epics fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[112]:/p/beowulf fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[113]:/u/pbisbal fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> get_mounts: dirs[114]:/u/lxu fs:nfs nfs:Yes
> test(): file:/u/lxu bool:1
> test(): file:/u/pbisbal bool:1
> test(): file:/p/beowulf bool:1
> test(): file:/p/epics bool:1
> test(): file:/p/fida bool:1
> test(): file:/u/phenders bool:1
> test(): file:/u/cswanson bool:1
> test(): file:/u/sseol bool:1
> test(): file:/p/xshare bool:1
> test(): file:/p/beast bool:1
> test(): file:/u/ftp bool:1
> test(): file:/u/jkatesha bool:1
> test(): file:/u/wwang bool:1
> test(): file:/u/drsmith bool:1
> test(): file:/p/eaddata bool:1
> test(): file:/u/abrooks bool:1
> test(): file:/u/wgutten bool:1
> test(): file:/u/jmenard bool:1
> test(): file:/u/mweller bool:1
> test(): file:/u/akhrabro bool:1
> test(): file:/u/tkhattar bool:1
> test(): file:/p/gyro bool:1
> test(): file:/p/transpusers bool:1
> test(): file:/p/space bool:1
> test(): file:/u/zfeng bool:1
> test(): file:/u/monticel bool:1
> test(): file:/u/ikrebs bool:1
> test(): file:/u/jschmitt bool:1
> test(): file:/u/mparsons bool:1
> test(): file:/u/jchen bool:1
> test(): file:/u/rwhite bool:1
> test(): file:/p/orbit bool:1
> test(): file:/u/zwang bool:1
> test(): file:/pfs/nobackup bool:1
> test(): file:/u/rgueroul bool:1
> test(): file:/p/edge bool:1
> test(): file:/u/jpark bool:1
> test(): file:/p/fdp bool:1
> test(): file:/p/datad2 bool:1
> test(): file:/u/jlestz bool:1
> test(): file:/u/shudson bool:1
> test(): file:/u/mbakal bool:1
> test(): file:/p/omfit bool:1
> test(): file:/u/rmk bool:1
> test(): file:/p/atom bool:1
> test(): file:/p/nstxusr bool:1
> test(): file:/p/gpec bool:1
> test(): file:/p/pies bool:1
> test(): file:/u/jlovell bool:1
> test(): file:/u/oizacard bool:1
> test(): file:/p/m3dc1 bool:1
> test(): file:/u/bdavis bool:1
> test(): file:/p/stellopt bool:1
> test(): file:/p/tsc bool:1
> test(): file:/u/slazerso bool:1
> test(): file:/u/ghao bool:1
> test(): file:/p/beam bool:1
> test(): file:/u/bgriers bool:1
> test(): file:/p/incoherent bool:1
> test(): file:/u/ldelgado bool:1
> test(): file:/u/gtchilin bool:1
> test(): file:/proc/fs/nfsd bool:0
> test(): file:/pfs bool:0
> test(): file:/p bool:0
> test(): file:/l bool:0
> test(): file:/w bool:0
> test(): file:/u bool:0
> test(): file:/v bool:0
> test(): file:/net bool:0
> test(): file:/misc bool:0
> test(): file:/usr/pppl bool:1
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/blkio bool:0
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/net_cls bool:0
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/freezer bool:0
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/devices bool:0
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/memor Failure : Mismatch: input "/etc/ntp.conf", 
> expected:0 got:1
> SUPPORT: OMPI Test failed: opal_path_nfs() (1 of 115 failed)
> y bool:0
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/cpuacct bool:0
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/cpu bool:0
> test(): file:/local/cgroup/cpuset bool:0
> test(): file:/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc bool:0
> test(): file:/local bool:0
> test(): file:/var bool:0
> test(): file:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/sss bool:0
> test(): file:/var/spool bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/ntp bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/logrotate.status bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/iscsi bool:0
> test(): file:/var/account bool:0
> test(): file:/etc/lvm/backup bool:0
> test(): file:/etc/lvm/archive bool:0
> test(): file:/etc/resolv.conf bool:0
> test(): file:/etc/ntp.conf bool:0
> test(): file:/etc/adjtime bool:0
> test(): file:/media bool:0
> test(): file:/var/tmp bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/dhclient bool:0
> test(): file:/var/cache/logwatch bool:0
> test(): file:/var/cache/hald bool:0
> test(): file:/var/cache/foomatic bool:0
> test(): file:/tmp bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/nfs bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/dbus bool:0
> test(): file:/var/run bool:0
> test(): file:/var/log bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lock bool:0
> test(): file:/var/cache/man bool:0
> test(): file:/var/lib/stateless/writable bool:0
> test(): file:/proc/bus/usb bool:0
> test(): file:/dev/shm bool:0
> test(): file:/dev/pts bool:0
> test(): file:/dev bool:0
> test(): file:/sys bool:0
> test(): file:/proc bool:0
> test(): file:/ bool:1
> FAIL opal_path_nfs (exit status: 1)
> My configure command:
> ./configure \
>  --prefix=/usr/pppl/gcc/5.4-pkgs/openmpi-2.1.0 \
>  --disable-silent-rules \
>  --enable-mpi-fortran \
>  --enable-mpi-cxx \
>  --enable-shared \
>  --enable-static \
>  --enable-mpi-thread-multiple \
>  --with-cuda=/usr/pppl/cuda/cudatoolkit/6.5.14 \
>  --with-pmix \
>  --with-verbs \
>  --with-hwloc \
>  --with-pmi=/usr/pppl/slurm/15.08.8 \
>  --with-slurm \
>  --with-lustre \
>  --with-psm \
>  CC=gcc \
>  CXX=g++ \
>  FC=gfortran \
>  2>&1 | tee configure.log
> -- 
> Prentice
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