
I am currently running a couple of benchmarks on two Intel Xeon Phi 7250 
second-generation KNL MIC compute nodes using Open MPI 2.1.0. While trying to 
run the osu_bcast benchmark with 8 MPI tasks (4 on each node), I noticed the 
following error in my output:

Received eager message(s) ptype=0x1 opcode=0xcc from an unknown process (err=49)

I have tried running the benchmark in the following manners:
mpirun -np 8 ./osu_bcast
mpirun -np 8 -hostfile hosti --npernode 4  ./osu_bcast
mpirun -np 8 -hostfile hosti --npernode 4 --mca mtl psm2  ./osu_bcast

But, nothing changes the error message at the end. Note, that the error does 
not really impact the results of the benchmark, so it’s possible that the error 
may be occurring in MPI_Finalize.

Also, in order to try to avoid getting this error, I tried to build the library 
with both of these configurations:
 ./configure --prefix=<path_to_build_folder> CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort 

 ./configure --prefix=<path_to_build_folder> —enable-orterun-prefix-by-default 
—with-cma=yes --with-psm2 CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort --disable-shared 
--enable-static  --without-slurm

However, this did not help prevent the occurrence of the error either. I was 
wondering if anyone has encountered this issue before, and what can be done in 
order to get rid of the error message.

Thank you,

Esthela Gallardo

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