
your program hangs because rank 0 does not call MPI_Bcast()

generally speaking, when using collective operations (such as MPI_Bcast),
all tasks of the communicators must invoke the collective operation, and 
with "matching" arguments.
in the case of MPI_Bcast(), the root value must be the same on all tasks,
 and all tasks must transfer
the same amount of data :
if all tasks use the same datatype, then the count must be the same on 
all tasks,
otherwise, the datatype size * count must be the same on all tasks
/* for the sake of completion, there are known issues specific to Open 
MPI when you mix
   large and small datatypes */



----- Original Message -----
> Greetings!
> I include a static header file utils.h with a function linspace. My 
main.cpp file is as follows:
> #include <iostream>
> #include <utils.h>
> #include <mpi.h>
> using namespace std;
> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
>     float start = 0., end = 1.;
>     unsigned long int num = 100;
>     double *linspaced;
>     float delta = (end - start) / num;
>     int size, rank;
>     MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
>     MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
>     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
>     MPI_Status status;
>     // These have to be converted into unsigned long ints
>     int casesPerNode = num / size;
>     int remainderCases = num % size;
>     if(rank==0){
>         linspaced =  new double[num];
>         if(remainderCases!=0){
>             linspace(&linspaced[(size-1)*casesPerNode], end - delta*
remainderCases, end, remainderCases);
>         } else {
>             linspace(&linspaced[(size-1)*casesPerNode], end - delta*
casesPerNode, end, casesPerNode);
>         }
>     } else {
>         MPI_Bcast(&linspaced, num, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
>         // Sending job to master node.
>         // The node is already overloaded with coordinating.
>         // Additional task now is also to take on remainder cases.
>         // cout << "Rank " << rank << endl;
>         float start_in = start + casesPerNode*delta*(rank-1);
>         float end_in = start + casesPerNode*delta*(rank) - delta;
>         linspace(&linspaced[(rank-1)*casesPerNode], start_in, end_in, 
>     }
>     MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
>     // cout << "Print Here Rank " << rank << endl ;
>     MPI_Finalize();
>     /*
>     for(int i=0; i< num; i++){
>         cout << *(linspaced + i) << endl;
>     }
>      */
>     return 0;
> }
> and my utils.h file is:
> void linspace(double *ret, double start_in, double end_in, unsigned 
long int num_in)
> {
>     /* This function generates equally spaced elements and returns
>      an array with the results */
>     assert(num_in!=0);
>     cout <<  "\tReceived start :" << start_in << "\tEnd :" << end_in <
< "\tNum_in :" << num_in << endl;
>     double delta_in = (end_in - start_in) / (num_in - 1);
>     if(num_in == 1){
>         *(ret) = start_in;
>     }
>     *(ret) = start_in;
>     for(int i=1; i < num_in-1; i++) {
>         *(ret + i) = *(ret + i - 1) + delta_in;
>     }
>     *(ret + (num_in - 1)) = end_in;
>     /*
>     cout << "Finished executing linspace " << endl;
>      for(int i = 0; i<num_in; i++){
>      cout << "Address : " << &ret << "\tElement " << i << " : " << *(
ret + i) << endl;
>      }
>      */
> }
> I am unable to diagnose why my code gets stuck at MPI_Bcast. What 
could I do to fix it?
> Thanks
> PS: I’m new to OpenMPI and may have a lot of these doubts initially. 
Thanks for patience and support. 
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