
did you try to run your app with a MPICH-based library (mvapich,
IntelMPI or even stock mpich) ?
or did you try with Open MPI v1.10 ?
the stacktrace does not indicate the double free occurs in MPI...

it seems you ran valgrind vs a shell and not your binary.
assuming your mpirun command is
mpirun lmparbin_all
i suggest you try again with
mpirun --tag-output valgrind lmparbin_all
that will generate one valgrind log per task, but these are prefixed
so it should be easier to figure out what is going wrong



On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 11:41 AM, ashwin .D <> wrote:
> There is a sequential version of the same program COSMO (no reference to
> MPI) that I can run without any problems. Of course it takes a lot longer to
> complete. Now I also ran valgrind (not sure whether that is useful or not)
> and I have enclosed the logs.
> On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 7:20 PM, ashwin .D <> wrote:
>> Hello Gilles,
>>                    I am enclosing all the information you requested.
>> 1)  as an attachment I enclose the log file
>> 2) I did rebuild OpenMPI 2.1.1 with the --enable-debug feature and I
>> reinstalled it /usr/lib/local.
>> I ran all the examples in the examples directory. All passed except
>> oshmem_strided_puts where I got this message
>> [[48654,1],0][pshmem_iput.c:70:pshmem_short_iput] Target PE #1 is not in
>> valid range
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> SHMEM_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 (pid 13409, host=a-Vostro-3800) with
>> errorcode -1.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 3) I deleted all old OpenMPI versions under /usr/local/lib.
>> 4) I am using the COSMO weather model - to run
>> simulations
>> The support staff claim they have seen no errors with a similar setup.
>> They use
>> 1) gfortran 4.8.5
>> 2) OpenMPI 1.10.1
>> The only difference is I use OpenMPI 2.1.1.
>> 5) I did try this option as well mpirun --mca btl tcp,self -np 4 cosmo.
>> and I got the same error as in the mpi_logs file
>> 6) Regarding compiler and linking options on Ubuntu 16.04
>> mpif90 --showme:compile and --showme:link give me the options for
>> compiling and linking.
>> Here are the options from my makefile
>> -pthread -lmpi_usempi -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi for linking
>> 7) I have a 64 bit OS.
>> Well I think I have responded all of your questions. In any case I have
>> not please let me know and I will respond ASAP. The only thing I have not
>> done is look at /usr/local/include. I saw some old OpenMPI files there. If
>> those need to be deleted I will do after I hear from you.
>> Best regards,
>> Ashwin.
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