
MPI is running on both shared memory (e.g. one single node) and
distributed memory (e.g. several independent nodes).
here is what happens when you
mpirun -np <n> a.out

1. an orted process is remotely spawned to each node
2. mpirun and orted fork&exec a.out

unless a batch manager is used, remote spawn is implemented by SSH

note it is possible to
- use a custom SSH-like command
- use a custom command instead of the orted command
- use a wrapper when fork&exec'ing a.out

last but not least, an other option is direct run, but that requires
some support from the resource manager (e.g. a PMI(x) server)
for example, with SLURM, you can
srun a.out
and then slurm will remotely spawn a.out on all the nodes.

i am pretty sure Open MPI provides enough flexibility so with a
minimum a creativity, you can run a MPI app on unikernel.
if a ssh daemon runs in each unikernel, that should be straightforward.
if you want to run one orted and several a.out per unikernel, a bit of
creativity is needed (e.g. scripting and wrapping)
if you want to run a single a.out per unikernel, that is a bit
trickier since you have to somehow implement a PMIx server within each



On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 12:11 AM, Keith Collister <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently looking into whether it's possible to run MPI applications
> within unikernels.
> The idea is to have multiple unikernels as virtual compute nodes in the
> cluster, with physical nodes hosting the virtual nodes. As I understand it,
> in a normal cluster mpirun would be invoked on a physical node and all the
> compute nodes would be processes on the same machine. In contrast, with
> unikernels the compute nodes would need to effectively run in virtual
> machines.
> I thought I was making progress when I found the "--ompi-server" switch for
> mpirun: I figured I could spawn an OMPI server instance on a host, then just
> invoke mpirun telling it to start the unikernel (in an emulator (QEMU),
> instead of an application), passing the unikernel the uri of the OMPI
> server. In my mind, the unikernels would be able to connect to the server
> happily and all would be smooth.
> In reality, it seems like mpirun doesn't "pass" anything to the application
> it runs (I expected it to pass configuration options via the command line).
> This implies all the configuration is stored somewhere on the host or as
> environment variables, which would make it muuuch harder to configure the
> unikernel. I couldn't find much documentation on this part of the process
> though (how mpirun configures the application), so I figured I'd ask the
> experts.
> Is this sort of thing possible? Is the MPI ecosystem tied too tightly to
> virtual nodes being run with mpirun to make it infeasible to run insulated
> virtual nodes like this? Is there some command-line switch I've missed that
> would make my life a lot easier?
> Any advice/ideas/discussion would be much appreciated,
> Keith
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