Thank you Gilles, the *&data* was the problem.

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 2:25 AM, Gilles Gouaillardet <>

> should the send buffer for MPI_Allgatherv() be data instead of &data ?
> BTW, is this issue specific to Open MPI ?
> If this is a general MPI issue, forums such as
> are a better place for this.
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 11/30/2017 5:02 PM, Konstantinos Konstantinidis wrote:
>> Hi, I will use a small part of C++ code to demonstrate my problem during
>> shuffling. Assume that each slave has to shuffle some unsigned char array
>> defined as *unsigned char* data *within some intracommunicator.
>> *unsigned lineSize = 100;*
>> *unsigned long long no_keys = 10;*
>> *int bytes_send_count = (int)no_keys*lineSize; *
>> *unsigned int commSize = (unsigned)comm.Get_size();*
>> *int* recv_counts = new int[commSize];*
>> *int* displs = new int[commSize];*
>> *
>> *
>> *//Shuffle amount of data*
>> *comm.Allgather(&bytes_send_count, 1, MPI::INT, recv_counts, 1,
>> MPI::INT); *
>> *
>> *
>> *unsigned long long total = 0; *
>> *for(unsigned int i = 0; i < commSize; i++){*
>> *//Update the displacements*
>> *displs[i] = total; *
>> **
>> *//...and the total count*
>> *total += recv_counts[i]; *
>> *}*
>> *
>> *
>> *unsigned char* recv_buf = new unsigned char[total];
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *//Print data to be sent from rank == 1*
>> *if(rank == 1){*
>> *for(int l=0; l<bytes_send_count;l++){*
>> *printf("%d: Data to be sent is %d\n", rank, data[l]);*
>> *}*
>> *}*
>> *
>> *
>> *//Shuffle actual data*
>> *comm.Allgatherv(&data, bytes_send_count, MPI::UNSIGNED_CHAR, recv_buf,
>> recv_counts, displs, MPI::UNSIGNED_CHAR);*
>> *
>> *
>> *//Check the first portion of the received data*
>> *if(rank == 1){*
>> *for(int l=0; l<recv_counts[0]; l++){*
>> *printf("%d: Data received from myself is %d\n", rank, recv_buf[l]);*
>> *}*
>> *}*
>> *
>> *
>> My problem is that the printf() that checks what is about to be sent from
>> node 1 and what is actually received from node 1 by itself print different
>> things that don't match. Based on my study of Allgatherv() I think that the
>> sizes of the received blocks and the displacements are computed correctly.
>> I don't think I need MPI_IN_PLACE since the input and output buffers are
>> supposed to be different.
>> Can you help me identify the problem?
>> I am using Open MPI 2.1.2 and testing on a single computer with 7 MPI
>> processes. The ompi_info is the attached file.
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