As more information continues to surface, it is clear that this original 
article that spurred this thread was somewhat incomplete - probably released a 
little too quickly, before full information was available. There is still some 
confusion out there, but the gist from surfing the various articles (and 
trimming away the hysteria) appears to be:

* there are two security issues, both stemming from the same root cause. The 
“problem” has actually been around for nearly 20 years, but faster processors 
are making it much more visible.

* one problem (Meltdown) specifically impacts at least Intel, ARM, and AMD 
processors. This problem is the one that the kernel patches address as it can 
be corrected via software, albeit with some impact that varies based on 
application. Those apps that perform lots of kernel services will see larger 
impacts than those that don’t use the kernel much.

* the other problem (Spectre) appears to impact _all_ processors (including, by 
some reports, SPARC and Power). This problem lacks a software solution

* the “problem” is only a problem if you are running on shared nodes - i.e., if 
multiple users share a common OS instance as it allows a user to potentially 
access the kernel information of the other user. So HPC installations that 
allocate complete nodes to a single user might want to take a closer look 
before installing the patches. Ditto for your desktop and laptop - unless 
someone can gain access to the machine, it isn’t really a “problem”.

* containers and VMs don’t fully resolve the problem - the only solution other 
than the patches is to limit allocations to single users on a node


> On Jan 3, 2018, at 10:47 AM, wrote:
> Well, it appears from that article that the primary impact comes from 
> accessing kernel services. With an OS-bypass network, that shouldn’t happen 
> all that frequently, and so I would naively expect the impact to be at the 
> lower end of the reported scale for those environments. TCP-based systems, 
> though, might be on the other end.
> Probably something we’ll only really know after testing.
>> On Jan 3, 2018, at 10:24 AM, Noam Bernstein <> 
>> wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, have any of the OpenMPI developers tested (or care to 
>> speculate) how strongly affected OpenMPI based codes (just the MPI part, 
>> obviously) will be by the proposed Intel CPU memory-mapping-related kernel 
>> patches that are all the rage?
>>         Noam
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