
I would like to use openmpi with a software called LAMMPS. I know it is 
possible when compiling the software to indicate it to use it with openmpi. 
However when I do that I have a warning message telling me that the linkage 
could not have been done (I specified the path for openmpi library and name 
like it is done in LAMMPS manual). I tried to reinstall openmpi in two 
different ways (following the advices of people that had LAMMPS and openmpi 
works together) but it still does not work. Also I don’t know if this is part 
of my problem or not but, the option —showme does not work (command: mpicc 
—showme). I looked at many forums and could not find anything to solve my 
problem and this is the reason why I am using this email list. The computer I 
am using have Ubuntu  on it. Does anyone have idea how to solve my problem?

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