
We’ve just been running some OSU benchmarks with OpenMPI 3.0.0 and noticed that 
osu_bibw gives nowhere near the bandwidth I’d expect (this is on FDR IB). 
However, osu_bw is fine.

If I disable eager RDMA, then osu_bibw gives the expected numbers. Similarly, 
if I increase the number of eager RDMA buffers, it gives the expected results.

OpenMPI 1.10.7 gives consistent, reasonable numbers with default settings, but 
they’re not as good as 3.0.0 (when tuned) for large buffers. The same option 
changes produce no different in the performance for 1.10.7.

I was wondering if anyone else has noticed anything similar, and if this is 
unexpected, if anyone has a suggestion on how to investigate further?


Here’s are the numbers:

3.0.0, osu_bw, default settings

> mpirun -map-by ppr:1:node -np 2 -H r6,r7 ./osu_bw
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v5.4.0
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       1.13
2                       2.29
4                       4.63
8                       9.21
16                     18.18
32                     36.46
64                     69.95
128                   128.55
256                   250.74
512                   451.54
1024                  829.44
2048                 1475.87
4096                 2119.99
8192                 3452.37
16384                2866.51
32768                4048.17
65536                5030.54
131072               5573.81
262144               5861.61
524288               6015.15
1048576              6099.46
2097152               989.82
4194304               989.81

3.0.0, osu_bibw, default settings

> mpirun -map-by ppr:1:node -np 2 -H r6,r7 ./osu_bibw
# OSU MPI Bi-Directional Bandwidth Test v5.4.0
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       0.00
2                       0.01
4                       0.01
8                       0.02
16                      0.04
32                      0.09
64                      0.16
128                   135.30
256                   265.35
512                   499.92
1024                  949.22
2048                 1440.27
4096                 1960.09
8192                 3166.97
16384                 127.62
32768                 165.12
65536                 312.80
131072               1120.03
262144               4724.01
524288               4545.93
1048576              5186.51
2097152               989.84
4194304               989.88

3.0.0, osu_bibw, eager RDMA disabled

> mpirun -mca btl_openib_use_eager_rdma 0 -map-by ppr:1:node -np 2 -H r6,r7 
> ./osu_bibw
# OSU MPI Bi-Directional Bandwidth Test v5.4.0
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       1.49
2                       2.97
4                       5.96
8                      11.98
16                     23.95
32                     47.39
64                     93.57
128                   153.82
256                   304.69
512                   572.30
1024                 1003.52
2048                 1083.89
4096                 1879.32
8192                 2785.18
16384                3535.77
32768                5614.72
65536                8113.69
131072               9666.74
262144              10738.97
524288              11247.02
1048576             11416.50
2097152               989.88
4194304               989.88

3.0.0, osu_bibw, increased eager RDMA buffer count

> mpirun -mca btl_openib_eager_rdma_num 32768 -map-by ppr:1:node -np 2 -H r6,r7 
> ./osu_bibw
# OSU MPI Bi-Directional Bandwidth Test v5.4.0
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       1.42
2                       2.84
4                       5.67
8                      11.18
16                     22.46
32                     44.65
64                     83.10
128                   154.00
256                   291.63
512                   537.66
1024                  942.35
2048                 1433.09
4096                 2356.40
8192                 1998.54
16384                3584.82
32768                5523.08
65536                7717.63
131072               9419.50
262144              10564.77
524288              11104.71
1048576             11130.75
2097152              7943.89
4194304              5270.00

1.10.7, osu_bibw, default settings

> mpirun -map-by ppr:1:node -np 2 -H r6,r7 ./osu_bibw
# OSU MPI Bi-Directional Bandwidth Test v5.4.0
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       1.70
2                       3.45
4                       6.95
8                      13.68
16                     27.41
32                     53.80
64                    105.34
128                   164.40
256                   324.63
512                   623.95
1024                 1127.35
2048                 1784.58
4096                 3305.45
8192                 3697.55
16384                4935.75
32768                7186.28
65536                8996.94
131072               9301.78
262144               4691.36
524288               7039.18
1048576              7213.33
2097152              9601.41
4194304              9281.31

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