Yeah, keeping the documentation / FAQ up to date is... difficult.  :-(

We could definitely use some help with that.

Does anyone have some cycles to help update our FAQ, perchance?

> On Jun 14, 2018, at 11:08 AM, Charles A Taylor <> wrote:
> Thank you, Jeff.
> The ofi MTL with the verbs provider seems to be working well at the moment.  
> I’ll need to let it run a day or so before I know whether we can avoid the 
> deadlocks experienced with the straight openib BTL.
> I’ve also built-in UCX support so I’ll be trying that next.  
> Again, thanks for the response.
> Oh, before I forget and I hope this doesn’t sound snarky, but how does the 
> community find out that things like UCX and libfabric exist as well as how to 
> use them when the FAQs on don’t have much information beyond the 
> now ancient 1.8 series?   Afterall, this is hardly your typical “mpiexec” 
> command line…
>      mpirun -mca pml cm -mca mtl ofi -mca mtl_ofi_provider_include 
> “verbs;ofi_rxm ...”  ,
> if you get my drift.  Even google doesn’t seem to know all that much about 
> these things.  I’m feeling more than a little ignorant these days.  :)
> Thanks to all for the responses.  It has been a huge help.
> Charlie
>> On Jun 14, 2018, at 1:18 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) via users 
>> <> wrote:
>> Charles --
>> It may have gotten lost in the middle of this thread, but the 
>> vendor-recommended way of running on InfiniBand these days is with UCX.  
>> I.e., install OpenUCX and use one of the UCX transports in Open MPI.  Unless 
>> you have special requirements, you should likely give this a try and see if 
>> it works for you.
>> The libfabric / verbs combo *may* work, but I don't know how robust the 
>> verbs libfabric support was in the v1.5 release series.
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