
Your understanding is incorrect :
"Attributes are local to the process and specific to the communicator
to which they are attached."

think an attribute is often a pointer, and really bad things can
happen if rank 0 uses a pointer that is valid on rank 1,
so if attributes were global, they would be virtually unusable.

note the comment before the barrier is incorrect. this is a simple
barrier and all MPI tasks will block until all of them invoke seqEnd()

The main goal of using attributes in this example is to invoke
MPI_Comm_dup() once per communicator (instead of once per sequence,
since this is an expensive operation).


On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 1:04 AM 邹海峰 <haifengzou1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> At first, I think attribute is just like global variable that attached to a 
> specific communicator. I can define and set the value on one process, then 
> get and modify the value on another process as long as those processes 
> belonging to the same communicator. But when I was reading chapter 6 of the 
> book using mpi: portable parallel programming with the message-passing 
> interface.  I was confused by the usage of caching attribute.
> The purpose the code is to make the execution sequential. the main function is
>   seqBegin( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
>   printf( "My rank is %d\n", wrank );
>   fflush( stdout );
>   seqEnd( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
> which is simple to understand. The program will print the rank in order. The 
> defination of the function "seqBegin()" is
> static int seqKeyval = MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID;
> void seqBegin( MPI_Comm comm )
> {
>   MPI_Comm lcomm;
>   int      flag, mysize, myrank;
>   seqInfo  *info;
>   if (seqKeyval == MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID) {
>     MPI_Comm_create_keyval( MPI_NULL_COPY_FN, seqDelFn, &seqKeyval, NULL );
>   }
>   MPI_Comm_get_attr( comm, seqKeyval, &info, &flag );
>   if (!flag) {
>     info = (seqInfo *)malloc( sizeof(seqInfo) );
>     MPI_Comm_dup( comm, &info->lcomm );
>     MPI_Comm_rank( info->lcomm, &myrank );
>     MPI_Comm_size( info->lcomm, &mysize );
>     info->prevRank = myrank - 1;
>     if (info->prevRank < 0)   info->prevRank = MPI_PROC_NULL;
>     info->nextRank = myrank + 1;
>     if (info->nextRank >= mysize) info->nextRank = MPI_PROC_NULL;
>     if (verbose) {
>       printf( "seqbegin: prev = %d, next = %d\n",
>       info->prevRank, info->nextRank );
>     }
>     MPI_Comm_set_attr( comm, seqKeyval, info );
>   }
>   MPI_Recv( NULL, 0, MPI_INT, info->prevRank, 0, info->lcomm,
> }
> and the defination of function "seqEnd()" is
> void seqEnd( MPI_Comm comm )
> {
>   seqInfo *info;
>   int     flag;
>   /* Sanity check */
>   if (seqKeyval == MPI_KEYVAL_INVALID)
>     MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1 );
>   MPI_Comm_get_attr( comm, seqKeyval, &info, &flag );
>   if (!info || !flag)
>     MPI_Abort( MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1 );
>   if (verbose) {
>     printf( "seqend: prev = %d, next = %d\n",
>     info->prevRank, info->nextRank );
>   }
>   MPI_Send( NULL, 0, MPI_INT, info->nextRank, 0, info->lcomm );
>   /* Make everyone wait until all have completed their send */
>   MPI_Barrier( info->lcomm );
> }
> Other details are omitted. In fact, all the codes can be found in 
> https://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpi/usingmpi/examples-usingmpi/libraries/index.html
>  which is provided by the author of the book.
> The program uses send and recv to block the execution. Only if the process 
> receive the message from last process, the process can continue to execute, 
> otherwise it is blocked, which resulting in the sequential execution.  The 
> part I don't understand is in function "seqBegin()". If my undertstanding 
> about attribute is right, only one process will enter the if condition and 
> set the value of attribute, other processes just get the value . Here comes 
> the question: since other processes don't set the value, how can they get the 
> prevRank and nextRank of their own.
> The code can be executed as expected. But I still can't get the rational 
> behind this and there is little reference about attribute caching, so I come 
> here for help. Thank you very much !
> Best Wishes !
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