On Fri, 2019-03-15 at 18:02 +0000, Sergio None wrote:
> Jeff,
> Yes, i know that C99 have these fixed standard library.
> The point is that many common used function, rand for example, return
> non fixed types. And then you need doing castings, typically to more
> big types. It can be a bit annoying. 

I just want to add--if you use a "sysdef.h" type header file like
I described a couple of days ago, you can make up your own function
names and put macros in the header to map them to what is available
on each machine (e.g. abs32() could be abs() or labs()) with suitable
variable casts in or out as needed.  If necessary, this could even
handle problems like two's complement vs sign+magnitude negatives
or IBM vs IEEE floating point.  Generally you want to store all
variables in types that you then pass as byte strings through MPI
messages and store/convert to/from actual arithmetic types on each
end as needed.  Not "transparent" as you want, but once set up, easy
to maintain and extend.

> That's why I was looking for an OpenMPI way to do this transparent.
> Thank you very much for your help. 
> Regards,
> Sergio.
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