
It looks like you are using the C++ wrapper compiler (mpiCC) instead of the C 
wrapper compiler (mpicc). Perhaps using mpicc instead of mpiCC will resolve 
your issue.



On Apr 3, 2019, at 12:38 PM, 
afernan...@odyhpc.com<mailto:afernan...@odyhpc.com> wrote:

I'm trying to compile HPL(v2.3) with OpenBLAS and OMPI. The compilation 
succeeds when using the old OMPI (v1.10.8) but fails with OMPI v4.0.0 (I'm 
still not using v4.0.1). The error is for an old subroutine that determines 
machine-specific arithmetic constants:

mpiCC -o HPL_dlamch.o -c   -I/home/centos/benchmarks/hpl-2.2/include 
-I/home/centos/benchmarks/hpl-2.2/include/impetus03  -I/opt/openmpi/include  
../HPL_dlamch.c: In function ‘void HPL_dlamc5(int, int, int, int, int*, 
../HPL_dlamch.c:749:67: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘try’
    int                        exbits=1, expsum, i, lexp=1, nbits, try,
../HPL_dlamch.c:761:8: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘=’ token
    try = (int)( (unsigned int)(lexp) << 1 );
../HPL_dlamch.c:761:8: error: expected ‘catch’ before ‘=’ token
../HPL_dlamch.c:761:8: error: expected ‘(’ before ‘=’ token
../HPL_dlamch.c:761:8: error: expected type-specifier before ‘=’ token
../HPL_dlamch.c:761:8: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘=’ token
../HPL_dlamch.c:761:8: error: expected ‘{’ before ‘=’ token
../HPL_dlamch.c:761:8: error: expected primary-expression before ‘=’ token
../HPL_dlamch.c:762:8: error: expected primary-expression before ‘try’
    if( try <= ( -EMIN ) ) { lexp = try; exbits++; goto l_10; }
../HPL_dlamch.c:762:8: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘try’
../HPL_dlamch.c:762:36: error: expected primary-expression before ‘try’
    if( try <= ( -EMIN ) ) { lexp = try; exbits++; goto l_10; }
../HPL_dlamch.c:762:36: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘try’
../HPL_dlamch.c:764:26: error: ‘uexp’ was not declared in this scope
    if( lexp == -EMIN ) { uexp = lexp; } else { uexp = try; exbits++; }
../HPL_dlamch.c:764:48: error: ‘uexp’ was not declared in this scope
    if( lexp == -EMIN ) { uexp = lexp; } else { uexp = try; exbits++; }
../HPL_dlamch.c:764:55: error: expected primary-expression before ‘try’
    if( lexp == -EMIN ) { uexp = lexp; } else { uexp = try; exbits++; }
../HPL_dlamch.c:764:55: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘try’
../HPL_dlamch.c:770:10: error: ‘uexp’ was not declared in this scope
    if( ( uexp+EMIN ) > ( -lexp-EMIN ) )
make[2]: *** [HPL_dlamch.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/centos/hpl-2.3/src/auxil/impetus03'
make[1]: *** [build_src] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/centos/hpl-2.3'
make: *** [build] Error 2

I don't understand the nature of the problem or why it works with the old OMPI 
version and not with the new. Any help or pointer would be appreciated.

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