> On Jun 20, 2019, at 4:44 AM, Charles A Taylor <chas...@ufl.edu> wrote:
> This looks a lot like a problem I had with OpenMPI 3.1.2.  I thought the fix 
> was landed in 4.0.0 but you might
> want to check the code to be sure there wasn’t a regression in 4.1.x.  Most 
> of our codes are still running
> 3.1.2 so I haven’t built anything beyond 4.0.0 which definitely included the 
> fix.

Unfortunately, 4.0.0 behaves the same.  

One thing that I’m wondering if anyone familiar with the internals can explain 
is how you get a memory leak that isn’t freed when then program ends?  Doesn’t 
that suggest that it’s something lower level, like maybe a kernel issue?


Noam Bernstein, Ph.D.
Center for Materials Physics and Technology
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
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