On Nov 1, 2019, at 9:34 AM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) via users 
<users@lists.open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> Point to make: it would be nice to have an option to suppress the output on 
>> stdout and/or stderr when output redirection to file is requested. In my 
>> case, having stdout still visible on the terminal is desirable but having a 
>> way to suppress output of stderr to the terminal would be immensely helpful.
> I do believe that --output-file will write to a *local* file on the node 
> where it is running (vs. being sent to mpirun, and mpirun writing to the 
> output file).  So snipping off the output from being sent to mpirun in the 
> first place would actually be an efficiency-gaining feature.

Guess what?  It turns out that this is another 
previously-undocumented-but-already-existing feature.  :-)

    mpirun --output-filename foo:nocopy ...

The ":nocopy" suffix will not emit to stdout/stderr; it will *only* write to 
the files.

You can also comma-delimit / mix this with "nojobid" behavior.  For example:

    mpirun --output-filename foo:nocopy,nojobid ...
    (ordering of the tokens doesn't matter in the comma-delimited list)

(I have to admit that I actually LOL'ed when I looked in the code and found 
that the feature was already there!)

For the most part, this whole thing needs to get documented.  I don't know the 
timing of when this will happen, but we should probably also rename this to 
--output-directory to be a bit more accurate (and probably keep 
--output-filename as a deprecated synonym for at least the duration of the 
4.0.x series).

Jeff Squyres

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