On Dec 6, 2019, at 12:40 PM, Guido granda muñoz <guidogra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I get the same error when running in a single node. I will try to use the 
> last version. Is there way to check if different versions of open mpi were 
> used in different nodes? 

mpirun -np 2 ompi_info | head

Or something like that.  With 1.10, I don't know/remember the mpirun CLI option 
to make one process per node (when ppn>1); you may have to check that.  Or just 
"mpirun -np 33 ompi_info | head" and examine the output carefully to find the 
33rd output and see if it's different.

That being said, thinking a little deeper on this: with your ld output, it's 
probably kinda unlikely that you have mismatched versions (because you're 
linking against very specific OMPI library versions) -- particularly if you're 
getting the same error when running on a single node.

Open MPI is 100% user space code -- you can just install Open MPI v4.0.2 under 
your $HOME and run it there.

You might want to see how your system-level Open MPI is installed (e.g., use 
the right ./configure option to get the PBS/TM integration, if you have a 
high-speed/HPC-class network support API library, ...etc.), and mimic all of 
that in your own personal Open MPI install.

Jeff Squyres

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