We just added about a dozen nodes to our cluster, which have AMD EPYC 7281 processors. When a particular users jobs fall on one of these nodes, he gets these error messages:

WARNING: a request was made to bind a process. While the system
supports binding the process itself, at least one node does NOT
support binding memory to the process location.

  Node:  dawson205

This usually is due to not having the required NUMA support installed
on the node. In some Linux distributions, the required support is
contained in the libnumactl and libnumactl-devel packages.
This is a warning only; your job will continue, though performance may be degraded.
A request was made to bind to that would result in binding more
processes than cpus on a resource:

   Bind to:     NONE
   Node:        dawson205
   #processes:  2
   #cpus:       1

You can override this protection by adding the "overload-allowed"
option to your binding directive.

The OS is CentOS 6, and numactl and numactl-devel are installed. Any idea what the issue is and how to fix it? Is SMT enabled when it shouldn't be, or something along those lines?


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