Hello Collen,

Could you provide more information about the error.  Is there any output
from either Open MPI or, maybe, UCX, that could provide more information
about the problem you are hitting?


Am Mo., 27. Jan. 2020 um 08:38 Uhr schrieb Collin Strassburger via users <

> Hello,
> I am having difficulty with OpenMPI versions 4.0.2 and 3.1.5.  Both of
> these versions cause the same error (error code 63) when utilizing more
> than 100 cores on a single node.  The processors I am utilizing are AMD
> Epyc “Rome” 7742s.  The OS is CentOS 8.1.  I have tried compiling with both
> the default gcc 8 and locally compiled gcc 9.  I have already tried
> modifying the maximum name field values with no success.
> My compile options are:
> ./configure
>      --prefix=${HPCX_HOME}/ompi
>      --with-platform=contrib/platform/mellanox/optimized
> Any assistance would be appreciated,
> Collin
> Collin Strassburger
> Bihrle Applied Research Inc.

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