
Joshua Ladd <jladd.m...@gmail.com> writes:

> We cannot reproduce this. On four nodes 20 PPN with and w/o hcoll it
> takes exactly the same 19 secs (80 ranks).  
> What version of HCOLL are you using? Command line? 

Thanks for having a look at this.

According to ompi_info, our OpenMPI (version 3.0.1) was configured with
(and gcc version 7.2.0):

|   Configure command line: 'CFLAGS=-I/apps/OPENMPI/SRC/PMI/include'
|                           '--prefix=/storage/apps/OPENMPI/3.0.1/gnu'
|                           '--with-mxm=/opt/mellanox/mxm'
|                           '--with-hcoll=/opt/mellanox/hcoll'
|                           '--with-knem=/opt/knem-'
|                           '--with-slurm' '--with-pmi=/usr'
|                           '--with-pmi-libdir=/usr/lib64'

Not sure if there is a better way to find out the HCOLL version, but the
file hcoll_version.h in /opt/mellanox/hcoll/include/hcoll/api/ says we
have version 3.8.1649

Code compiled as:

| $ mpicc -o test_t thread_io.c test.c

To run the tests, I just submit the job to Slurm with the following
script (changing the coll_hcoll_enable param accordingly):

| #!/bin/bash
| #
| #SBATCH -J test
| #SBATCH -N 5
| #SBATCH -n 51
| #SBATCH -t 00:07:00
| #SBATCH -o test-%j.out
| #SBATCH -e test-%j.err
| #SBATCH -D .
| module purge
| module load openmpi/gnu/3.0.1        
| time mpirun --mca coll_hcoll_enable 1 -np 51 ./test_t

In the latest test I managed to squeeze in our queuing system, the
hcoll-disabled run took ~3.5s, and the hcoll-enabled one ~43.5s (in this
one I actually commented out all the fprintf statements just in case, so
the code was pure communication).

Ángel de Vicente

Tel.: +34 922 605 747
Web.: http://research.iac.es/proyecto/polmag/
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