
> Is it possible to use the one-sided communication without combining it with synchronization calls?

What exactly do you mean by "synchronization calls"? MPI_Win_fence is indeed synchronizing (basically flush+barrier) but MPI_Win_lock (and the passive target synchronization interface at large) is not. It does incur some overhead because the lock has to be taken somehow at some point. However, it does not require a matching call at the target to complete.

You can lock a window using a (shared or exclusive) lock, initiate RMA operations, flush them to wait for their completion, and initiate the next set of RMA operations to flush later. None of these calls are synchronizing. You will have to perform your own synchronization at some point though to make sure processes read consistent data.


On 4/24/20 5:34 PM, Claire Cashmore via users wrote:

I was wondering if someone could help me with a question.

When using RMA is there a requirement to use some type of synchronization? When using one-sided communication such as MPI_Get the code will only run when I combine it with MPI_Win_fence or MPI_Win_lock/unlock. I do not want to use MPI_Win_fence as I’m using the one-sided communication to allow some communication when processes are not synchronised, so this defeats the point. I could use MPI_Win_lock/unlock, however someone I’ve spoken to has said that I should be able to use RMA without any synchronization calls, if so then I would prefer to do this to reduce any overheads using MPI_Win_lock every time I use the one-sided communication may produce.

Is it possible to use the one-sided communication without combining it with synchronization calls?

(It doesn’t seem to matter what version of openmpi I use).

Thank you


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