
I've written a small piece of code to show the problem. Based on my
application but 2D and using integers arrays for testing.
The  figure below shows the max RSS size of rank 0 process on 20000
iterations on 8 and 16 cores, with openib and tcp drivers.
The more processes I have, the larger the memory leak.  I use the same
binaries for the 4 runs and OpenMPI 3.1 (same behavior with 4.0.5).
The code is in attachment. I'll try to check type deallocation as soon
as possible.


Le 04/12/2020 à 01:34, Gilles Gouaillardet via users a écrit :
> Patrick,
> based on George's idea, a simpler check is to retrieve the Fortran
> index via the (standard) MPI_Type_c2() function
> after you create a derived datatype.
> If the index keeps growing forever even after you MPI_Type_free(),
> then this clearly indicates a leak.
> Unfortunately, this simple test cannot be used to definitely rule out
> any memory leak.
> Note you can also
> mpirun --mca pml ob1 --mca btl tcp,self ...
> in order to force communications over TCP/IP and hence rule out any
> memory leak that could be triggered by your fast interconnect.
> In any case, a reproducer will greatly help us debugging this issue.
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> On 12/4/2020 7:20 AM, George Bosilca via users wrote:
>> Patrick,
>> I'm afraid there is no simple way to check this. The main reason
>> being that OMPI use handles for MPI objects, and these handles are
>> not tracked by the library, they are supposed to be provided by the
>> user for each call. In your case, as you already called MPI_Type_free
>> on the datatype, you cannot produce a valid handle.
>> There might be a trick. If the datatype is manipulated with any
>> Fortran MPI functions, then we convert the handle (which in fact is a
>> pointer) to an index into a pointer array structure. Thus, the index
>> will remain used, and can therefore be used to convert back into a
>> valid datatype pointer, until OMPI completely releases the datatype.
>> Look into the ompi_datatype_f_to_c_table table to see the datatypes
>> that exist and get their pointers, and then use these pointers as
>> arguments to ompi_datatype_dump() to see if any of these existing
>> datatypes are the ones you define.
>> George.
>> On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 4:44 PM Patrick Bégou via users
>> <users@lists.open-mpi.org <mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     I'm trying to solve a memory leak since my new implementation of
>>     communications based on MPI_AllToAllW and MPI_type_Create_SubArray
>>     calls.  Arrays of SubArray types are created/destroyed at each
>>     time step and used for communications.
>>     On my laptop the code runs fine (running for 15000 temporal
>>     itérations on 32 processes with oversubscription) but on our
>>     cluster memory used by the code increase until the OOMkiller stop
>>     the job. On the cluster we use IB QDR for communications.
>>     Same Gcc/Gfortran 7.3 (built from sources), same sources of
>>     OpenMPI (3.1 or 4.0.5 tested), same sources of the fortran code on
>>     the laptop and on the cluster.
>>     Using Gcc/Gfortran 4.8 and OpenMPI 1.7.3 on the cluster do not
>>     show the problem (resident memory do not increase and we ran
>>     100000 temporal iterations)
>>     MPI_type_free manual says that it "/Marks the datatype object
>>     associated with datatype for deallocation/". But  how can I check
>>     that the deallocation is really done ?
>>     Thanks for ant suggestions.
>>     Patrick

Attachment: test_layout_array.tgz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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