I tried mpi-io tests from mpich 4.3 with openmpi 4.1 on the ac922 system
that I understand was used to fix ompio problems on lustre.  I'm puzzled
that I still see failures.

I don't know why there are disjoint sets in mpich's test/mpi/io and
src/mpi/romio/test, but I ran all the non-Fortran ones with MCA io
defaults across two nodes.  In src/mpi/romio/test, atomicity failed
(ignoring error and syshints); in test/mpi/io, the failures were
setviewcur, tst_fileview, external32_derived_dtype, i_bigtype, and
i_setviewcur.  tst_fileview was probably killed by the 100s timeout.

It may be that some are only appropriate for romio, but no-one said so
before and they presumably shouldn't segv or report libc errors.

I built against ucx 1.9 with cuda support.  I realize that has problems
on ppc64le, with no action on the issue, but there's a limit to what I
can do.  cuda looks relevant since one test crashes while apparently
trying to register cuda memory; that's presumably not ompio's fault, but
we need cuda.

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