Thanks for helping me though it a question out of topic,
                                   Could I know under which category should
I run the given command from your side. For example under OPENMPI's or any
Thanks for your attention, I appreciate any suggestions from your side.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 3:36 AM Gilles Gouaillardet via users <> wrote:

> This is not an Open MPI question, and hence not a fit for this mailing
> list.
> But here we go:
> first, try
> cmake -DGMX_MPI=ON ...
> if it fails, try
> Cheers,
> Gilles
> ----- Original Message -----
> Hi, MPI developers and users,
>            I want to run GROMACS using *gmx_mpi* rather than *gmx*, could
> you give me a hand on how to do that?
>             Thanks a lot!
> Cheers,

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