Hi OpenMPI-developers,

When trying to run a program with process binding and oversubscription (on
a github actions CI instance) with --bind-to-core, OpenMPI’s mpiexec
executes the programs with no issues.

Noting that --bind-to core is more portable (MPICH’s mpiexec also accepts
it) and that --bind-to-core is deprecated, I tried switching to it.
However, OpenMPI now complains that it cannot perform process binding on OS
X with the following message:

On OS X, processor and memory binding is not available at all (i.e.,
the OS does not expose this functionality).

Could someone confirm whether OpenMPI supports process binding on OS X and
also comment on why --bind-to-core works but --bind-to core doesn’t? Thanks
in advance!

Thank You,
Sajid Ali (he/him) | PhD Candidate
Applied Physics
Northwestern University

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