
I am aware that section 13 in the FAQ says that MPI "in general" wont work
with a network interface that has two IPs. However, I've had slurm running
python and C programs on a cluster of 21 nodes for a while and haven't had
any issues until I tried running some OSU micro benchmarks. This resulted
in this error <https://pastebin.com/uY9TJF9x> , i'm not entirely sure why
each node has two IPs, i believe it is related to netbooting as they are
all netbooted.

This is the slurm script <https://pastebin.com/vn8nbSxQ> I'm using to start
the job. The -mca section I added to fix the problem however doesn't do
anything as both the ips are on the eth0 interface.

Is there anything I can do to run these benchmarks?

Let me know what other details I need to provide as I'm not sure where to


George Johnson

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