I don't think it's inherently true that multiple mpiruns interfere with each 
other - we do that routinely, I thought.  Any chance that your jobs are doing 
something like writing to a common directory (like /tmp), and then interfering 
with each other?

As an aside, you should consider the mpirun argument:
-output-filename, --output-filename <filename>
              Redirect the stdout, stderr, and stddiag of all processes to a 
process-unique version of the  specified  file‐
              name.  Any  directories in the filename will automatically be 
created.  Each output file will consist of file‐
              name.id<http://name.id>, where the id will be the processes' rank 
in  MPI_COMM_WORLD,  left-filled  with  zero's  for  correct
              ordering  in  listings.  A  relative  path  value will be 
converted to an absolute path based on the cwd where
              mpirun is executed. Note that this will not work on environments 
where the file system on compute  nodes  dif‐
              fers from that where mpirun is executed.
  • [OMPI use... Massimiliano Carcia via users
    • Re: ... Bernstein, Noam CIV USN NRL (6393) Washington DC (USA) via users
      • ... Massimiliano Carcia via users

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