Is it possible to micromanage a Cartesian topology for a sub-(group-)communicator?

E.g., Using mpi_cart_create on mpi_comm_world, I create the following topology:

rank vs. 2D Cartesian position
3 7 11
2 6 10
1 5 9
0 4 8

Can I now create a new sub-communicator with ranks 0, 9, 6, and 11 (precisely one rank in each row) -- and attached to it a Cartesian topology (still 2D, except the dimension is 1 in the second direction):


Importantly, the order is [0, 9, 6, 11] and not, e.g., [0, 6, 9, 11].

I've found that mpi_cart_create, called with the subcommunicator, will do what I want (though it renames the ranks 0->0, 9->1, 6->2, 11->3), but is that guaranteed?

- Is mpi_cart_create, called on a subcommunicator with 1 rank per row,
  guaranteed to preserve the topology in the other dimensions?

- If not, is there a way I can specify the Cartesian topology, so that,
  e.g., mpi_cart_coords works?

- Is there a way to prevent the renaming of the ranks, or do Cartesian
  communicators have to have sequential ranks?

Motivation: I want these ranks to collect all the data from their entire row, e.g., for I/O. I have a collection of methods that manipulate data, but they make use of functions like mpi_cart_coords, and it would be nice if I didn't have to re-implement all those functions. I could use mpi_cart_sub -- except that there's a danger that ranks 0, 1, 2, 3 will be on the same compute node, so I don't want those particular ranks each to collect all the data from their rows.

A related question: is there a way, within MPI, to specify how mpi_cart_create orders the ranks, e.g.,
3 7 11
2 6 10
1 5 9
0 4 8


9 10 11
6 7  8
3 4  5
0 1  2


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