> Do you invoke mpirun from **inside** the container?
> IIRC, mpirun is generally invoked from **outside** the container, could
> you try this if not already the case?
> The error message is from SLURM, so this is really a SLURM vs
> singularity issue.
> What if you
> srun -N 2 -n 2 hostname
> instead of
> mpirun ...

I checked with SchedMD and the combination of commands that worked are this:
salloc -t 0-04:00 -A ourgroup --nodes=2 --ntasks=4

mpirun -n 4  singularity exec openfoam10.sif /bin/bash -l -c  'source
/opt/openfoam10/etc/bashrc&&simpleFoam -parallel'

There are probably other ways to get this to work but the above did the

Thanks for the suggestion.



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