
> Hi,
> I am using OpenMPI 4.1.1 (without a scheduler) and I want to limit the 
> number of CPU or threads a specific user (or host, if I must) can use. 
> Is there a configuration or environment variable I can use? This user 
> has not been following our resource management policy so simply asking 
> him to use -np 2 will not suffice.
> Thank you,
> Dave Martin

in the same direction as previous answers: did you consider the
user.slice feature in systemd? This would let you use cgroups to
constrain a users complete login sessions. No extra software needed.

especially "CPUQuota". These limits can be set in a user.slice.

Best Regards


Dr. rer. nat. Christof Köhler       email: c.koeh...@uni-bremen.de
Universitaet Bremen/FB1/BCCMS       phone:  +49-(0)421-218-62334
Am Fallturm 1/ TAB/ Raum 3.06       fax: +49-(0)421-218-62770
28359 Bremen  

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